© 2024 Concerned Citizens of Western Montana

NOTE:  We are not attorneys, and the information in this article is not intended to give legal advice to anyone.  As an objector to the Flathead Compact, only you can decide what pathway you must follow to protect your specific interests and rights.

Over the past couple of years, we’ve been busy digging for information pertaining to other Indian Compacts settled by the United States, Montana and the CSKT. 

As you begin to prepare for the next phase of the proceedings, we thought it could be helpful to put out this post with Water Court deadlines and quick hyperlink references to Water Court Compact documents and orders as well as links to legal filings in other Montana Indian Compact proceedings. 

We are hopeful that this information might be helpful to you for the purpose of preparing or responding to the soon due motions for adequacy and for other issues of law that do not require the court to make findings of fact

For quick reference you might want to bookmark this page.

Rules of the Water Court Road

First up are the established Deadlines for this phase of the Compact Proceedings:

Motions regarding Compact adequacy and fairness, and any other issues of law that do not require the court to make findings of fact.

Motion deadline: July 10, 2024
Answer briefs: August 23, 2024
Reply briefs: September 6, 2024
Oral argument: September 19, 2024

Next, we want to remind you to be cognizant of the rules that the water court has pointed objectors to:

Flathead Compact Decree Documents posted by the Water Court

From the CSKT Compact Water Court Information Page

Case Management and Page Count Orders

Water Court Other Indian Compact Legal Filings

We don’t know how helpful the information below will be to you, but we wanted to provide copies of legal filings in other Montana Indian Compact cases to give objectors an idea as to what they look like in form as well as content. 

While form and page counts are important to follow, the content of any pleadings or responses to them will be defined based upon your own,  and the compact parties legal strategies going forward. 

With that in mind, we have gathered a good number of documents pertaining to the Water Court Proceedings for other Indian Water Rights Settlements in Montana.  It is not complete, but included are the Court dockets, the Water Court’s opinion on each compact, as well as some of the briefs and motions that were filed by compacting parties and objectors in the Fort Peck, Crow and Blackfeet Compacts.

Click on the photo below for a pdf document that links to each of these documents.

Pages from Montana Water Court Indian Compact legal filings reference

Also, we ask you to keep in mind that at the top of every page of the blog are additional pages that could be helpful. 

Each page of this blog also has a search box in the upper right hand corner.  You can use that box to search for information in previous posts that often link to documents, by typing in the subject you are looking for.

We’ve accumulated a vast library of research documents over the years so if you are in need of any historic documents you might also want to look first at our LIBRARY page. 

If you can’t find what you are looking for there, or on any of the other pages, contact us on the CONTACT page of this blog and we will do our best to point you in the right direction.



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