© 2022 Concerned Citizens of Western Montana

By opening up the preliminary decree to the Flathead Water Compact, the Montana Water Court has provided the people of western Montana with a perfect opportunity to take the first step in the defense of their water rights against the overreaching provisions of the Flathead Water Compact.

What you choose to do with that opportunity is up to you.

We strongly urge you to put forth the time and effort necessary to complete your due diligence, and take steps to protect what is rightfully yours.

Please check out this 20 minute video developed to help water users in Western Montana navigate the Water Rights Objection process.   You can watch it as full screen by clicking on the appropriate link in the lower right hand corner of the video screen.

This video gives an overview of the objection process and offers suggestions as to some of the questions water users should be asking as they research specifics about how the Flathead Compact will impact their own water and property rights.

We have also included a link below the video to a Water Rights Objection Resource sheet that provides links to the information mentioned in the video and other documents that may be helpful to objectors.

We are not attorneys and the video is not intended to provide legal advice.

Thanks for taking the time to look.  Share this post with your friends and neighbors.

Resources:  Water Rights Objection Resource links

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