Concerned Citizens of Western Montana

We are pleased to share another objection to the Flathead Compact Preliminary Decree.

If you have earnestly looked into the details of the Flathead water compact, you can begin to understand the complexity of the issues it was supposed to resolve, but more importantly the very serious issues that if allowed to stand, it will create for western Montana.

While we cannot begin to understand why Montana would choose this pathway for its citizens to walk, we must live with the fact that not only has the state endorsed, and is currently implementing the compact, but it has also committed to defend this bad deal against all challenges.

In other words the compact effectively pits the State, along with the United States and CSKT, against its citizens.

With all of that in mind, the objection we are sharing with you brings clarity to many of the foundational issues with the compact and the state’s failure to protect the basic property rights and constitutional protections of its people.

Our thanks to the Jore’s for letting us share it with you.

Flathead Compact Objection