© 2023 Concerned Citizens of Western Montana

We’d like to thank everyone who submitted an objection to the Flathead Compact Preliminary Decree with the Montana Water Court.

At this time we’re not sure whether all of the objections have been posted in the water court database, but currently more than 1,000 objections appear to have been submitted and posted.

Thanks for the time and effort you put forth. You’ve succeeded in putting the Water Court on notice that something is terribly wrong with this compact.

Because the Flathead Compact Decree is under the auspices of a special proceeding, we are not sure exactly what process will be followed in the coming weeks.

We’ll continue to monitor the Water Court’s Public Notices and Information Page and do our best to keep you abreast of any activity as the proceedings move forward.

In the meantime, we wanted to share with you some objections submitted by county governments and other small government entities that you might be interested in seeing.


We should also have mentioned the group of folks who tirelessly traveled around western Montana providing workshops to get the word out about the compact and the objection process.

This effort was crucial, because the Water Court did not provide notifications concerning the Decree to a very large number of water users.

Had it not been for the efforts of that dedicated group of people, there would not have been such a large response to the Water Court.

Sincerest thanks!