We’d like to share information with you about a group of folks who are holding a series of townhall meetings on August 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th.

They’ve asked that anyone interested in the Flathead Lake level issue join them to voice your concerns about the lake and for information about how to document damages if you are affected by what is happening.

SaveFlatheadLakeFlyer - Save Flathead Flyer

We believe that the Flathead Lake level problem is related to the implementation of the Flathead Water compact and this issue is only the beginning of problems we will begin to see related to what is happening with our water in western Montana.

Please join them for updates and other important information.

Check out their website at SaveFlatheadLake.com and fill out their online questionnaire.

Many thanks to them for taking the time to put these meetings together, and for helping to get the word out about what is really going on.