© 2023 Concerned Citizens of Western Montana

Thanks to the folks who put on the Flathead Lake meetings over the past several days.  We know how much work goes into coordinating such an effort.  We heard that they were well attended.

As the water court proceedings continue to march forward, we wanted to provide some additional context to the Flathead Lake level issues by focusing briefly on Appendix 18 of the Flathead Water Compact that awards fictitious time immemorial tribal reserved water rights for all of the natural water in Flathead Lake.

Below is a pdf flyer that asks every person who uses water in the Flathead River Basin, including the entirety of the Flathead River, the Swan River area as well as the lake, to take time to fully inform themselves about the amount of damage just this one water right has the potential to create throughout western Montana.

Flathead Reservation Post Compact

At a minimum, we should be asking these questions to those who are responsible for the Flathead Water Compact, before it is ratified in the Montana Water Court.

This list includes Steve Daines, Jon Tester, Greg Gianforte, Ryan Zinke, and any state legislator that voted for compact ratification:

If they deny such possible impacts, ask them for the studies and the guarantees that prove otherwise.  To the best of our knowledge, there are no sideboards that exist within the confines of the compact to protect us from these possible outcomes, or even worse.

Keep in mind, that governor Gianforte and the other compacting parties are treating the compact as though it is a done deal by placing it on an implementation fast track.  In other words, if the water court should throw out the compact, the damage will already be well underway.

Thanks for considering these questions about the possible implications of just one water right in the compact.  We all should be seeking answers before it’s too late.

We must never forget that there is a reason Montana refused to do studies concerning the economic, environmental and property rights sucking provisions of the compact, including the undermining of our land patents and our right to due process and equal protection under the law.

A truthful look at what the state has actually ceded in the compact would have killed it in its tracks.


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