© 2023 Concerned Citizens of Western Montana

We begin this post by thanking each and every objector to the Flathead Water Compact Preliminary Decree. We’re not sure if you even realize that your effort has already made a big difference.  The Water Court couldn’t possibly ignore the thousand or so people that took the time to object to what can only be seen as government overreach on steroids. 

If you have persevered, and are moving forward to the hearing track of the Water Court proceedings, your effort not only preserves your own standing in the battle going forward, but it will help many others who may not even realize the impact this compact will have upon them.

We also want to warn objectors that going forward, there is no reason to believe that the compacting parties will change their known pattern of bad behavior with respect to the negotiation, ratification and implementation phases of this compact. There has been nothing good faith about this compact, and we do not expect the Water Court proceedings to be any different.

Indeed, now that we are entering the hearing track, rest assured that the state, federal and tribal attorneys will use every means available to achieve their goal of dismissing every last objector.  Keep in mind we are working within a Water Court that has never sustained an objection to any of the other 18 or so compacts that have preceded this one. 

October 3, 2023 Hearing Track Conference Call

The hearing track of the Water Court proceedings for the Flathead Compact preliminary decree will officially begin this coming week.    

Objectors should have already been notified that a Hearing Track Case Management conference is scheduled for Tuesday October 3, 2023 at 10:00 am. Mountain Time. 

Instructions for accessing the meeting via Zoom can be found at this link

Hearing Track Management Conference or by directly referencing Water Court Case Management Order No. 2

While attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, the court has been clear in stating that  “each Objector shall be bound by decisions made at the conference, regardless of whether the Objector attends.”


The more people we have paying attention to the actions of the court and the compacting parties going forward, the better for everyone.

We all know that most objectors to the compact begin with a great disadvantage.  Many are representing themselves pro se, and are not familiar with the workings of the courts let alone the legal ins and outs of motions, discovery and other procedural activities during this part of the proceeding.

It is fully expected that the compacting parties will take full advantage of this situation, including the exploitation of any real or perceived weaknesses of the objectors and of the Water Court itself. 

We do know that it has been and continues to be the goal of the compacting party to leave no objectors standing between them and the Water Court’s approval of their compact. 

Agenda for the October 3, 2023 Meeting

On September 22, 2023, the Water Court posted an agenda for the meeting found at this link:

Agenda for October 3, 2023 Hearing Track Conference Zoom Meeting

As participants in this proceeding, objectors have every right to expect the Water Court to ensure that all parties to the proceeding, receive fair and equal consideration and treatment.

Unfortunately, the agenda provided by the Water Court raises serious concerns that this may not be the case.

Indeed item 6 of the agenda provides a proposed structure and schedule for the hearing track makes it appear that the Water Court is giving a significant advantage to the compacting parties right out of the hearing track gate. 

From item 6. of the Water Court agenda:

6.  Discussion of the following proposed structure and schedule for the Hearing Track:

a.  Phase 1 –Phase 1 will include a period for the Compacting Parties to conduct discovery, as necessary, and file motions addressing objections.

The Court anticipates a hearing on Phase 1 motions in Summer 2024. The hearing on Phase 1 motions will be conducted in person at a courthouse or other suitable location in western Montana.

b.  Phase 2 – Phase 2 will include a period for objectors to conduct discovery, as necessary, and file any motions regarding the subject matter of filed objections. The Court will set a date for Phase 2 to commence, with an anticipated hearing date on motions in Fall 2024. A hearing on Phase 2 motions will be in person at a courthouse or other suitable location in western Montana. Prior to commencement of Phase 2, the Court will schedule and conduct a conference to discuss whether discovery is necessary, the scope of discovery, and potential consolidation of motions involving common issues

c.  Phase 3 – Phase 3 will involve a trial of any issues not resolved by motions. The hearing on any remaining issues tentatively will take place in January 2025 at a suitable location in western Montana.

Objectors Beware

So here are a few questions that each of us should be asking:

Why in the world would the Montana Water Court have proposed such a sequence of events in the hearing track? 

Is it possible the water court is using a strategy recommended by the compacting parties, rather than putting forth a proposal that allows objectors the opportunity to simultaneously participate with the compacting parties in the discovery and motions processes?

By all appearances, the water court appears to be giving deference to the compacting parties with this schedule.  What would stop the compacting parties from eliminating objectors before they even have a chance to participate in the hearing track of the proceedings?

While we can’t be sure how the water court handled other compact proceedings, it seems that such a schedule in these proceedings could serve to allow the compacting parties to remove objecting parties out of the proceedings before they even have the opportunity to participate in them. 

If that is not the purpose of such a schedule, it still appears to give an unfair advantage of time to the compacting parties with respect to the development their defense to the detriment of objectors.

It also appears that such a schedule would serve to minimize objectors ability to participate in the discovery of information from the compacting parties that could help objectors with their cases.

Keep in mind that the compacting parties came to mediation loaded for bear with their cadre of attorneys and experts in an attempt to eliminate as many objectors as possible.  Their secondary goal would have been to gather as much intelligence as possible concerning the weaknesses of the objector’s positions.

Keep in mind that billions if not trillions of dollars are at stake with this compact, not to mention control over the land and waters of western Montana.

It is a certainty that the compacting parties will fully deploy an even larger number of attorneys and experts for the hearing track of these proceedings.  Certainly they have already sliced and diced each objection, and have developed a strategy to pick off the most threatening of the objections that have been made. 

It seems to us, that to have the Water Court suggest a schedule such as this falls right along the lines of such a strategy, making the compacting parties’ jobs that much easier.

Something really rotten is going on in Montana.

UPDATE:  We are providing a copy of a document filed with the Montana Water Court on Friday September 29, 2023 by the attorneys for Sego / Slack, expressing their concerns about the proposed hearing track agenda and other concerns. 

Click here for a copy of that document