We just received notice that the Montana Water Court has granted an extension of the objection process to February 9, 2023.


THEREFORE, the pending requests for extension of time to file objections are GRANTED to the extent the objection period is extended for 60 days until and including February 9, 2023. This extension applies to all potential objectors, regardless of whether they requested an extension. The Court will publish a notice of this extension in the same newspapers that published availability of the Preliminary Decree. The Court will provide notice of this Order to each person who filed a request. If the extension request identified an attorney, notice is provided to the referenced attorney. This Order also shall be published on the Water Court’s website at: https://courts.mt.gov/Courts/Water/Notices-Info/PublicNotices.

Click on the photo below for a pdf copy of the court’s 5 page order.

Pages from OrdExt

Please find the court order along with all other documents on the Water Court Public Notices and Information Page