© 2023 Concerned Citizens of Western Montana

Apologies but we couldn’t help but want to post this photo that popped up when we were searching for more information about crypto mining data centers:

CDC Crypto Screenshot 2023-08-15 114202

What we are unsure about is whether such parasites are the politicians, crypto investment firms, the data centers, or all of the above.  

This article is a follow up to yesterday’s article (See Selis’ Crypto Dam?)  about Kerr Dam and the proposed Polson data mining center.  Its purpose is to provide you with additional information from our research as it pertains to Montana, the CSKT and Energy Keepers and their ties to crypto mining data centers.  

Concerning the issue as to why we aren’t hearing much about the crypto mining subject in the traditional media, we came across this document included in the EKI lawsuit that perhaps partially explains the reason why US media aren’t reporting information about these crypto companies that are now running rampant:

Hyperblock US Press Prohibition

It’s well known that Daines and Gianforte have worked together in the past, however it now is becoming apparent that their partnership has continued. 

While Gianforte is taking care of Flathead Compact implementation and establishing a legislative infrastructure to protect data mining, Daines is faithfully helping to move the federal side of this forward. 

The crypto legislation passed in the Montana legislature earlier this year and signed into law by Gianforte was titled as follows:

SB 178 – An Act generally revising cryptocurrency laws, prohibiting discriminatory digital asset mining utility rates, prohibiting local government power related to digital asset mining, prohibiting taxation on the use of crypto currency as a payment method providing for digital assets as personal property   

I don’t know about you, but just by its title, this legislature appears to have been developed for the purpose of hamstringing local governments from any attempts to protect themselves or at a minimum from offsetting the costs associated with the onslaught of crypto business that may be headed their way. 

It may also be an attempt to neuter the Public Service Commission with respect the establishment of utility rates pertaining to crypto data centers, but have not researched this enough to know that for sure. 

It also appears that this legislation may be an effort to maximize the profit margins of crypto investors, perhaps to the detriment of small local governments and of course, the people. 

Is t possible that our “republican supermajority” legislature and governor are more interested in being crypto investor friendly than they are in making sure the interests of the people they represent are protected?

On the other side of the coin, Steve also has a job to do, and that consists of forging the federal pathway toward a very lucrative for some bitcoin / crypto currency utopian future.

We are not sure exactly when Daines gave this talk about Bitcoin and Blockchain, but it was posted to youtube four years ago:

Congressional Letter to EPA re: Digital Asset Mining

Less than a week after he announced the Polson Crypto Mining Data Center at his Economic Summit in June of 2022, Daines, along with 3 other Senators and 10 Representatives sent a letter to the EPA asking them to consider the benefits of Digital Asset Mining. Here’s a copy of it.

Screenshot 2023-08-15 123852

Crypto Mining, Digital Asset Mining and Data Centers in Montana

Below is a list of links to many of the articles we found during our research compiled on a one page document for your reference.  It’s abundantly clear from some of these articles and also a reading of the complaint in the Energy Keepers Inc. lawsuit that the vast amounts of investment money being made available for these project is a feeding ground for corruption. 

Just reading through the Energy Keepers complaint linked above is nauseating.  How could anyone  successfully navigate around the corruption that appears to be associated all of the affiliated llcs and shell corporations established to avoid transparency?  

It almost makes Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) look like child’s play.

Crypto links and info

Senator Steve Daines on Facebook

Click on the photo below to see what some of the people on Facebook think of Daines support of crypto, and other things. 

Daines has become a pretty powerful figure in DC, and he is loved by the corrupt organizations that he panders to in Montana including the GOP.  However it seems that he may not be “loved” nearly as much by the people that are harmed by his failures. 

Daines Crypto screenshot 09 3033